Photography Final Project – R&D

For my final project, I wanted to focus on religion and its entropy within human culture and society. I wanted to create a narrative on how humanity has interacted and developed alongside their spiritual beliefs and how they have grown and evolved over time with humanity, but also highlight the negative impact that religion has had on humanity as a whole which would be more of a focus on division, however this is a secondary subject within my project so the overall narrative will be on entropy. At first I wanted to focus on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. But after some research and rumination, I thought that such a specific and narrow way of thinking would not allow me to display the raw, initial idea that I had and so I have decided to take a broader approach to the project and shall now focus on simply building a narrative on the previously mentioned interactions of religion within humanity.

I’m sticking to the images that I used because I am using conceptual photography as my medium, however I believe I will have to vastly change my narrative to encompass religion in humanity as a whole rather than my previous 4 specific points.


This is the raw form of one of the pictures I took. I liked the way the skylight looked and how it could be related to various forms of the Christian cross such as the Jerusalem Cross [1], The Ringed Cross [2] and the Saint Julian Cross [3].


cross 2[2]




Above is my edited form of the picture I took and my favourite amongst my final pieces. I tried to make the subject of my focus, that being the skylight, hold a darker and more unforgiving feeling by increasing the contrast and shadows of the image, as well as making the sky look colder to emphasise how I see the Christian god as akin to a cold face of stone that does not answer. I like that the subject for this is also a skylight because, just like despairing Christians after a hopeful prayer, you look up to see this. I will elaborate further in my final project.